How do I place a custom order?

Just fill out our inquiry form with details about your project. After that, we will email you with all of the next steps to get your project started including cost estimates and turnaround times.

What materials do you offer?

Many! We commonly recommend acrylic for quilting templates, which is available in a wide variety of colors, thicknesses, and opacities. For most projects, 1/8" thick transparent acrylic will be a good option. We also offer chipboard and wood if you're hoping for alternative materials that might be more cost effective for prototyping. Here is a gallery of our available acrylic colors.
What's the maximum possible template size?
Our two larger laser cutters can cut materials up to 24"x36" and  1/4" thick! If you need something larger than this, we can work with you to design smaller pieces that can be used to create a bigger template.

What if I don't know how to create a template file, can you help me with that?

Absolutely! Our team of designers are very savvy with Adobe Illustrator and they are happy to translate your idea into a laser ready file.

Can you package custom templates?

Sometimes! We offer excellent solutions for flat-pack packaging, and we can help you laser cut custom packaging should your project need it.
Can you laser cut other quilting things?
Of course! Our laser cutting studio is ready to bring your project to life. We can laser cut wood, leather, paper, fabric, cork, and acrylic. You can see a wide variety of the other projects that our team has laser cut by visiting
Do you offer dropshipping services?
Yes! At Cut Once Quilts, we’ll draft, laser cut and ship templates for your patterns directly to your customers at no up-front cost to you! Here’s how it works:
  • Send us a digital copy of your pattern.
  • We draft and prototype your templates, then mail you a physical sample to test and critique.
  • Our team will revise until you’re happy with the results, and once we have your final approval, we will photograph and list your templates on our retail site.
  • You’ll simply direct customers to our shop before a class, workshop or individual quilting endeavor, and we will fulfill their order.
  • Once a month we’ll send you a share of the sale.