Dropshipping Services
A Pattern Designer’s One Stop Template Shop
At Cut Once Quilts, we’ll draft, laser cut and ship templates for your patterns directly to your customers at no up-front cost to you! Here’s how it works:
- Send us a digital copy of your pattern
- We draft and prototype your templates, then mail you a physical sample to test and critique
- Our team will revise until you’re happy with the results, and once we have your final approval, we will photograph and list your templates on our retail site
- You’ll simply direct customers to our shop before a class, workshop or individual quilting endeavor, and we will fulfill their order.
- Once a month we’ll send you a share of the sale.
And, as always, if you prefer to order custom templates for your own direct sales, no problem! We also offer standard design, drafting, file set-up, laser cutting, and small batch manufacturing services. Please fill out the inquiry form for more details.